Community Connections
Lenape Nation
In 2022 Emergent Abundance participated in the Rising Nation River Journey and signed the Treaty of Renewed Friendship. Below is an excerpt:
"We, the undersigned, do openly recognize the Lenape Indian Tribe as the original inhabitants of Pennsylvania. We acknowledge the Lenape people as the indigenous stewards of their homelands and also as the spiritual keepers of the Lenape Sipu, or Delaware River."
To read the rest of the treaty and find more information click the link below!​
Kennett Area Community Service
The Emergent Abundance Farming Collective (EAFC) began in 2020 on a one-acre plot at a private farm in the Kennett area, which resulted in over 1,000 pounds of produce donated to local community groups.
What began as weekly donations to the Kennett Food Cupboard has developed into a blooming partnership with Kennett Area Community Services (KACS). EAFC has since expanded our community as well as our vegetable production thanks to access to Kennett Township land at Spar Hill Farm.
Abundance is Emerging, and we are so humbled by all the generosity.